dc shorts 2008

i went to the dc shorts film festival again this year with ku klux kornea. the screening went well and the audience reaction was great. it’s always a relief when people laugh at your comedy.

last year i did some sight seeing but this year i stayed at the theater and watched as many films as i could. there were so many good films! the quality of work was very impressive. here are just a few of the films that stood out for me. check them out if you can.

nina quebrada
the confession
funniest fed 2007
irish twins
cute couple
the replacement child
speed dating
la tangente
english language (with english subtitles)
selling hopkins
the proposal
the bad news bearer
i’m no stud

aside from watching all the great films, i also met a lot of wonderful filmmakers. i definitely recommend you submit to this fest.

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  1. I just saw this short at the Vancouver Asian Film Festival today and it was brilliant! It was perfectly done.. god d*** I don’t know what to say but just keep on doing what you do.

  2. No problem! It was brilliant. Klu Klux Kornea was my favourite film during the VAFF. The audience enjoyed it as well, because both white and visible minorities could TOTALLY relate to the subject matter. It was short + sweet, funny, and addressed a unique aspect of racism in Western society today. I hope I got this right? Please clarify if I didn’t.

  3. thanks again for the comments. i wish i could have gone to the festival! yeah i wanted to address something that occurs all the time that can be embarrassing / offensive, but do so in a lighthearted way without condemning anyone.

    my next short will probably be a relationship comedy. can’t wait to start.

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