B story

i’ve been watching old episodes of How I Met Your Mother for research, and decided on the logline for the spec i want to write. my A story, the main story, concerns Robin and Lily, so i need to come up with a good B story that involves the other characters, Ted, Marshall, and Barney….

finished my Office script

i’m all done with my first tv spec! the deadline for the nick writing fellowship is tomorrow, but i finished and mailed it off today. the fellowship announcements will be made in late august / early september, so now i have to forget this project and move on to my next one. i ended up…

halfway done

i’m about halfway through a rough draft of my Office spec. the time i put into outlining is paying off, because i already figured out the main story beats and now i can focus on dialogue and jokes. besides being just a valuable part in the writing process, outlining is something i would have to…

outlining my script

i always outline my scripts, even for my short films. and when i outline, i always use omni outliner. it’s a great piece of software. for the current script, i made 3 columns: one for the main story beat, one for the slugline (location), and one for any additional notes, like act breaks. i’ll start…

finalized my logline

i want to write a spec of The Office and i had settled on the logline after pitching to some friends, but i realized that the story needed to focus a little more on michael. i felt like i needed to examine more of his character and his flaws, so i came up with a…