nickelodeon writing fellowship (year 2) i’m a finalist!

here is my guest pass from my one on one interview with karen.

like last year, this interview was less formal than the phone interview. i told her i couldn’t believe i made it all the way to this point again. she congratulated me, and told me this year was very competitive. if i remember correctly, there were 8 semifinalists last year. i think there were 12 this year. she told me throughout the year that she wouldn’t be looking out for my script, that i wouldn’t get any sort of special treatment from her just because i was a finalist last year. if my script was good enough, it would make it through all the rounds of reading and end up on her desk, and she told me that’s what happened this year. she asked me what would happen if she let me through as a finalist.  what would be different this year? i told her i’m ready this year. i went through the whole process last year so i know what to expect. i also took an improv class, and a tv writing class. i didn’t just want to get in, i wanted to be the one with the highest score.

i got a call the next day. i made it through! i was a finalist once again! speed interviews were scheduled for 3 days just like last year.

here we go again… i spent the whole year trying to get to this point, and i felt like  if i could write 2 scripts that were good enough to get me through as a finalist, that this year, i would succeed in the interviews and make it as a fellow.

i was about to find out!

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