preproduction: week 2 review

– my office said i can shoot my film there over the weekend. i’m very excited because that was one of my biggest concerns for this film. they haven’t signed the location release yet, but it looks like i have my office location set.

– i briefly entertained the idea of shooting the film myself, but i decided i would hire a proper DP.

– i posted an ad on mandy for a DP, but i got a response from a producer who was interested in collaborating with me on the short film.

– i want to work with SAG actors. SAG has free monthly workshops explaining their different agreements, but i realized that the next one (6/14) would be too late for me because you have to start the paperwork one month before you shoot. i want to shoot the weekend of 7/7 so i have to start my paperwork by 6/7 at the latest. i decided i’d just read over the contracts and call them with any questions i had.

– i called SAG to ask them about the ultra low budget agreement vs. short film/student agreement. i specifically wanted to know how they handled internet distribution. they said there’s a separate internet agreement, and i was to call one of two people that knew about it. i left a message but haven’t heard back yet.

– i revised my script some more. i think i need to focus on the main character and stick to his POV instead of using an omniscient POV. i need to send it out to friends for feedback.

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