writing for video games
this is something i’d like to try. here’s a great article on the hollywood reporter.
here are some google searches people used to find my blog, and answers to those questions. when do they notify finalists for the tv writing workshops – usually around september…
i drew this floorplan based on photos and videos that my producer sent me. there are 2 windows on each wall, and a pair of staircases that mirror each other….
INTERVIEW My finalist interview for the CAAM Fellowship was scheduled for 7pm on Tuesday, Jan 14. I left my office early at 5:30, thinking I’d get home by 6:15 at…
here are a few headshots of some of the actresses that came in to audition for jen. i was looking for a girl next door sort of look, but beyond that,…
my focus has been tv writing, but for those who write features, you should definitely submit to the nicholl fellowship. here’s an interview with the winner from 2010, from ashley…
there are now awards for web series. i want to make a web series of my own, and this a great list to see what’s out there now.