2017 Writing Program Notifications

(updated 12/09/17)

It’s that time of year again, and notifications have started! Please let me know if you hear any news, and check the comments for updates I may not have posted yet.


  • NBC Writers on the Verge
    The writers have been chosen, and rejection letters sent out. Congrats to Amy!
  • Nickelodeon Writing Program
    The writers have been chosen. Here’s the list of accepted shows to spec for 2018.
  • CBS Writers Mentoring Program
    The writers have been chosen. Congrats to my friend who got in!!!
  • WB Writers Workshop
    The writers have been chosen. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say yet, but congrats to my friend who got in!!!
  • Fox Writers Lab
    Writers have been contacted to submit another sample for the next round.
  • ABC Disney Writing Program
    Sorry this is late, but writers have already had their finalist interviews. They’ll probably be notified in the next week or so.


  • Sundance Episodic Story Lab
    The writers have been chosen. Congrats to April!
  • Film Independent Episodic Lab
    The writers have been chosen. This is a new program, so apply next year if like me, you didn’t know about it.


  • Nicholl Fellowship
    Finalists announced.
  • Sundance Screenwriters Lab
    Second rounders have been notified.
  • TrackingB TV Script Contest
    The finalists and winner were announced on their site. Congrats to my friend Joanne!
  • Creative World Awards
    Preliminary finalists announced on their site.
  • PAGE Screenwriting Awards
    Semifinalists are listed on their page.
  • Austin Film Festival
    Here’s the gigantic list of semifinalists and second rounders.
  • Final Draft Big Break
  • Screencraft Pilot Launch
  • Slamdance Screenplay Competition
  • Scriptapalooza TV
  • NYTVF Scripts Competition
    Official selections have been announced on their page.

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  1. I applied to the Sundance Episodic Lab. Does the “they started making phone calls” update mean that they are interviewing candidates? Or does it mean they are calling people who applied to let them know they got accepted as a Sundance Episodic Fellow?

      1. Thanks for the info. In terms of when these phone calls started, was it before the 9th of August? I was trying to see if they’ve been making the calls for a while or if it’s news hot off the press. Thanks for your quick response.

  2. Nicholl quarterfinalists were announced in July. Semifinalists will be announced by late August. Looks like Sundance January Screenwriters Lab won’t be notifying anyone about who advanced to the Second Round before August 15.

  3. Thanks for updating us, Kiyong. Do you know when NBC’s emails went out? And do you know if that’s their indication that you’ve made it to the next round?

  4. The WB Workshop posted on Sept 5th on their Facebook page saying “Please note that Writers’ Workshop submissions are being reviewed. All applicants will be notified by mid-fall 2017. Thank you for your patience.”

    Does this mean that other applicants may still get accepted, even if emails were already sent on 8/21?

    Thank you!

  5. I received the official rejection notice from Writers on the Verge, though have known since August that I didn’t advance to the next round. I imagine they’ll probably be announcing the winners next week.

    1. On Disney’s Facebook post write after the submission deadline ended, they said late Fall is when semi-finalists will be notified. In looking a couple of years back, semi-finalists were notified mid November. That’s probably the time frame this year.

    1. I heard they had already started contacting people for interviews last week and the week before. Not sure if they have more notifications to send out or not. I’m hoping they do! Good luck.

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