nickelodeon writing fellowship (year 2) phone interview

i had my phone interview with karen on wednesday 8/18. it went pretty much the same as last year, and i had to submit another script by monday.

the only problem was i had mapped out a timeline based on how last year went, but the whole fellowship process was happening 3 weeks earlier this year. i didn’t have my 2nd script finished because i had spent the past 2 months in preproduction for “camera obscura”, the short film that i shot for the duke city shootout.

luckily, i had already been working hard on my outline for my community spec shortly after i got back from new mexico on 8/1. when i got the call that i was a semifinalist on 8/12, i knew i only had 5 days to go from outline to script, which i posted about here:

i was still working full time during the day, and i couldn’t take any time off because i had just taken 10 days to shoot my short film. so i wrote like crazy after work and over the weekend, and sent off the script on 8/23, monday afternoon. then i had to wait and hope the script was good enough to get me a 1 on 1 interview.

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