previz on my short film

i have 1 week left for the indiegogo campaign of my short film! please check it out –

in between producing duties like schedules, budgets, and contracts, i’ve been squeezing in some director prep. i’m using a program called frameforge which lets me create digital storyboards based on a digital version of my set.

frameforge is better than drawing storyboards because it gives me an accurate representation of what i’ll see using different lenses. it also generates floorplans that are super useful.

so to get that wide shot of the 3 characters, i need to put the camera where the blue camera is on the overhead diagram. with a 35mm lens, that white cone is my field of vision. the other cameras are where i’m thinking of putting the camera to get the rest of the coverage i need.

if i have time, i’ll make an animatic by throwing all these shots into final cut where i can time everything out. it won’t be animated, but it’ll give me a good sense of the pacing and i’ll see if there are any shots i’m missing.

please check out and ‘like’ the facebook page for my movie to get more updates!

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