Atomfilms contract

Atomfilms Studio is funding my short film. I signed the contract and sent it back today. Basically, they give me a modest budget to make my short, and in exchange, they get nonexclusive internet rights and nonexclusive mobile rights for a year. I keep the copyright, I can submit to film festivals, I keep dvd and tv rights.

This is important because I’ve had g4 tv and Comedy Central in Europe contact me about playing “edit>love”, my last short film, on tv, but that one was for a contest where it was technically work for hire, so I don’t own the rights anymore. With this contract, that won’t be a problem.

It’s an awesome deal, because who else out there funds short films? Nobody that I know of. The only possible drawback is that some film festivals might not want to screen it if it has already been shown online, but I’m willing to take that risk.

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