my first script ever – brobot

here is the first script i wrote, a short, dark comedy called BROBOT. it came in 4th place in the slamdance screenwriting competition. back then, there was no short film script category. mine was the only short in the top 10, with the other 9 being features.

slamdance put together staged readings for the top 10 scripts, and that was the first time i got to see my written work come alive. it was amazing!

soon after, a producer wanted to option my short and turn it into a feature, but i didn’t think the story could really be expanded. also, someone from heyday films (harry potter) liked my script and asked what else i had, at which point i said, “what do you mean what else? that’s the first thing i wrote. i don’t have anything else.” a manager read it and asked if i was going to shoot it, but i didn’t know how to make a movie at the time. so yeah. i had no idea what i was doing back then.

i would love to shoot this one day, but it’s not practical. it’s 26 pages, it stars 2 kids, it has some vfx, and it’s a dark comedy. i wouldn’t know what to do with it after. maybe one day, if money is no concern.

here’s a link if you want to read it.

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