nickelodeon writing fellowship (year 2) say hello to your new fellow

after waiting for what seemed like the longest 2 weeks ever, i got the call from nickelodeon on 9/22 and was told i was accepted into the fellowship! all of my hard work had paid off, and my life is going to completely change. for years, i’ve been working a full time job and then writing on nights and weekends. i would even use vacation days just to work on my scripts and movies. now, i’ll be writing for my day job! i’ll be working with other writers every day.

monday was my first day at nickelodeon. here’s my name tag at my cubicle.

i’ll be posting about my experiences over the year. meanwhile, you can find the nick writing fellowship on facebook at everyone involved in the fellowship will be posting updates throughout the year so check it out.

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  1. SPEECHLESS!! Congratulations! I’ve been following your journey for almost two years, it’s exciting that you can close the fellowship search chapter and begin writing a new one. YAYY!

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