call from nickelodeon!

i applied to the nickelodeon writing fellowship in february, was hoping to hear back by the end of august to see if i made it to the next round, and when i didn’t, gave up and accepted that i didn’t make it. i was devastated,  but was making plans to write another spec script and apply again next february.

but then… i got a call today. the area code was 818. it was nickelodeon.

i am a semi finalist! i told the lady i had completely given up when i hadn’t heard by the end of august. she said they’re running a bit behind. the next step is a phone interview next week. i asked what the interview is going to cover. she said, it’s a surprise.

there’s still a long way to go before they choose the final fellows, but i’m so excited to have made it to the next round, and to have a chance at getting in!

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  1. Hey Kiyong- I just wanted to say ‘congrats’ and also I know how you feel- like you I thought I hadn’t made the cut but it turns out I’m a semi-finalist, too- I got a call yesterday as well!

    I know we’re technically ‘competitors’ and whatnot, but I sincerely you well in the rest of the process- I hope we’re working side by side in October at NICKELODEON! WOO-HOO!

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