update on my short film – you will meet a sexy stranger

i’m in the thick of pre-production on my short film, you will meet a sexy stranger.

this isn’t quite a movie poster, but it’s the cover photo for my movie’s facebook page.


i found a great co-producer to help me make my movie, leila ciszewski. she has experience as a producer, director, AD, and is also a photographer. www.leilacphotography.com


after looking through over a hundred reels, i found my DP! matt valentine worked as DP and camera operator on parks and rec, the office, dollhouse, and entourage, along with a bunch of other work including shorts, features, docs, and unscripted tv shows. he’s very experienced and very talented, and i’m thrilled to be working with him! here are some screenshots you might recognize:

and some more, from one of my favorite cold opens of the show, where leslie gets into a dog poop fight with some kids.

check out his work here – http://mattvalentinefilms.com/


i received just about 1500 submissions for the 2 roles i had posted.

leila suggested we audition about 30 actresses for each role. besides looking at their headshots, i also looked at how much experience they had, what training they had, and if they had a background in improv. auditions are scheduled for monday. i always love the audition process and look forward to meeting my future actors!

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