my next spec script – community
i want to write another spec script just in case i make it to the next round of any of the writing fellowships. i decided to write one for community….
i want to write another spec script just in case i make it to the next round of any of the writing fellowships. i decided to write one for community….
i returned from the duke city shootout. i’m completely exhausted, but it was an amazing experience. i met so many great people and learned a lot. i’ll try to recount…
i attended the mandatory orientation for all of the crew in the duke city shootout. they went over the history of the shootout, set etiquette, and safety. this is the…
i flew into albuquerque, new mexico, and was kindly picked up by my 2nd 2nd AD. we went straight to marcia, my producer’s, house. i met her and my 1st…
i leave tomorrow for new mexico! people have been asking me if i’m excited, and i have to say i’m more stressed and exhausted than i am excited. once i…
i’m stressed. i work my full time day job, then go home and prep for my film until about 3 or 4 am. when i wake up for work the…
if you are in or near albuquerque, come check out my movie! from the duke city shootout site: 7 days, 6 film crews competing for the coveted Palm de Grease….
i have less than 2 weeks left for preproduction! i feel really good about where we are at this point. my producer marcia has done an incredible job overseeing everything,…
i like to make a lot of notes on the script, like actor directions, camera angles, overhead diagrams, etc. on a regular script page, everything can get cluttered pretty quickly….
i finally bought my ipad. one of the main reasons i wanted an ipad was to use it for drawing. the 2 main apps are brushes and sketchbook pro. i…
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