prep work for my 30 rock spec

i’ve been reading some 30 rock scripts and breaking them down to figure out their structure. the scripts are all from season 1, but i don’t think that’ll be a big issue. i did the same thing i did for the office spec and the himym spec, which is to make a spreadsheet and write down each scene and how long it was, and what characters are in each scene. it’s time consuming but it’s worth it.

i have a basic logline for the episode and i have rough stories figured out for jack, jenna, and tracy, but i need a better liz story.

my plan is to have a rough draft for my writers group meeting next month.

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  1. Hi.

    I’m desperate to get hold of some 30 Rock scripts. I’m drawing a blank online, and wondered if you could email me a couple of scripts…

    I’d be grateful for anything you could share.

    Many thanks.


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